using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
/// <summary>
/// All weapon upgrades use this class for their type, status, multiplier, and activation.
/// Each new weapon upgrade is meant to override the ActivateUpgrade() method with the desired behavior.
/// Weapon upgrades are loaded in the battle scene by the PlayerUpgrades script/manager.
/// The PlayerUpgrades script reads the upgradeStatus which is set to true by the ShipUpgradeManager script
/// when an upgrade is purchased from the shop.
/// Dan Hassett, 10/8/22
/// </summary>
public enum UpgradeTypes {Damage, WeaponCharge, CriticalHitRate, ShieldCharge, AntiHazard}
public class BaseWeaponUpgradeSO : ScriptableObject
[Tooltip("A multiplier of the weapon's type of upgrade. For example, if you want to cut " +
"the the value in HALF, set it to 0.5. If you want to DOUBLE it, set it to 2.")]
public float upgradeMultiplier = 1.0f;
public bool upgradeStatus = false;
public virtual void SetUpgradeStatus (bool status)
upgradeStatus = status;
public virtual void ActivateUpgrade() { }
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
/// <summary>
/// This class exists to load the upgrades purchased from the shop into the battle scenes
/// Dan Hassett, 10/8/22
/// </summary>
public class PlayerUpgrades : MonoBehaviour
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// This method loads any upgrades which have been purchased from the shop by reading data from a static dictionary
void LoadUpgrades()
foreach (KeyValuePair<BaseWeaponUpgradeSO, bool> entry in ShipUpgradeManager.weaponUpgradeDictionary)
if (entry.Value == true)
EventBus.Publish(new UpgradeAddedEvent(entry.Key.GetType(), entry.Key, false));
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
/// <summary>
/// This class handles the various upgrade systems of the ship which are purchased in the shop.
/// The upgrades are loaded in the battle scene by the PlayerUpgrades script/manager
/// Dan Hassett, 10/1/22
/// </summary>
public class ShipUpgradeManager : MonoBehaviour
[Header("Weapon Upgrade Scriptable Objects")]
public BaseWeaponUpgradeSO[] upgrades;
public WeaponRoomSO[] weaponRooms;
public ShieldRoomSO[] shieldRooms;
public static Dictionary<BaseWeaponUpgradeSO, bool> weaponUpgradeDictionary = new Dictionary<BaseWeaponUpgradeSO, bool>();
public static Dictionary<string, WeaponRoomSO[]> weaponRoomSODictionary = new Dictionary<string, WeaponRoomSO[]>();
public static ShieldRoomSO[] staticShieldRooms;
// Awake() loads the necessary upgrade and room scriptable objects into the static Dictionaries.
// The weaponRooms array must be filled with WeaponRoomSO scriptable objects in the inspector in Unity.
private void Awake()
for(int a = 0; a < upgrades.Length; a++)
if (weaponUpgradeDictionary.ContainsKey(upgrades[a]) == false)
weaponUpgradeDictionary.Add(upgrades[a], false);
if (weaponRoomSODictionary.ContainsKey("weaponRooms") == false)
weaponRoomSODictionary.Add("weaponRooms", weaponRooms);
// This method should be attached to the "Purchase" button in the Ship Upgrades section of the Shop Scene.
// When an upgrade is purchased in the Shop scene, this method changes the value to "true"
// so that the PlayerUpgrade script knows which upgrades to activate in the Battle scenes
public void UpgradePurchased(UpgradeTypes upgrade)
switch (upgrade)
case UpgradeTypes.Damage:
//Debug.Log("ShipUpgradeManager: DAMAGE UPGRADE UPGRADE purchased");
case UpgradeTypes.WeaponCharge:
//Debug.Log("ShipUpgradeManager: CHARGE SPEED UPGRADE purchased");
case UpgradeTypes.CriticalHitRate:
//Debug.Log("ShipUpgradeManager: CRITICAL HIT UPGRADE purchased");
case UpgradeTypes.ShieldCharge:
case UpgradeTypes.AntiHazard:
Debug.LogError(upgrade + " is an invalid upgrade type");
Website concept art by Tyler Osgood. You can find him at
Copyright 2022 Daniel Hassett. All Rights Reserved.